
Fashion Tales. From Press to Web

Domus Academy — Milan, 25 November, 2014

We are living an incredible moment of transition in the communication within the fashion field, languages are melting from paper to web and the creating of new tools to convey thoughts and tales are dramatically changing. This meeting is aimed at understanding the state of the art and possible future visions and venues that will be part of the great changes of the entire Industry. Our guest, introduced by Barbara Trebitsch, Head of Fashion School, will contribute to understanding the changes and to forecast the future.

On Tuesday November 25 at Domus Academy there will be a round table with outstanding protagonists of the Fashion narration:

Antonio Mancinelli (Senior Editor Marie Claire), Gianluca Cantaro (Editor in chief L’Officiel Italia), Paolo Ferrarini (Cool Hunting) will debate on: “Fashion Tales: from press to web new languages, new careers”.